Obtaining ISO 27001 (Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)) certification
- 1. Certification date
January 5th, 2012
- 2. Certification body
Bureau Veritas Japan Co., Ltd.
- 3. Certification number
JP025915 (Renewal date: February 10, 2025)
- 4. Scope of certification
The following operations of the company constitute its information security management system which has been certified under ISO 27001 at this time.
- Sale of integrated devices and provision of related technical support
- Provision of technical support related to FA systems
- Development of proprietary software programs (production management systems)
- Contracted development of software programs for controlling manufacturing equipment
- Contracted development of manufacturing equipment monitoring systems
- Provision of technical support related to facility products
- 5. Applicable standard
ISO/IEC27001:2022, JIS Q 27001:2023
- 6. Registered approval organization
ISMS Accreditation Center (ISMS-AC)
- 7. Certified departments
TAKEBISHI CORPORATION (Head Office: Kyoto, Japan)
- Smart Factory Sales Promotion Department
- Solution Development Department
- System Engineering Department
- Quality Assurance Department
- Global Business Sales Promotion Department
- Corporate Planning Department
- Sustainability Promotion Department
- General Accounting Department
- Information Systems Department
- General Affairs Department
Basic Policy on Information Security Concerning ISO27001
Fundamental Principle on Information Security
TAKEBISHI CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) operates businesses that involve selling various types of electrical and telecommunication devices, creating and implementing engineering designs related to the aforementioned products, designing systems, and developing software programs. As such, much of the information used in the Company’s operational activities is confidential and should be protected accordingly.
In addition, it is the Company’s important task to ensure the integrity and usability of such information as described above to maintain and improve the quality of the Company’s operations. This is why the Company considers it necessary to ensure information security to meet the trust that the customers and society put in the Company, as it has formulated, and strives to enforce, this Basic Policy on Information Security.
Basic Policy on Information Security
- This Policy applies to the Company’s information assets related to its specific businesses, which include the information itself as well as the Company’s operation sites and ancillary infrastructure, personnel, hardware, software, and also the services that are either used or provided by the Company.
For this purpose, the Company is committed to ensuring the security of its information assets comprehensively, with emphasis on the maintenance of the information’s confidentiality, integrity, and usability, such that the customers’ requirements are met. - The Company shall set up a proper organizational structure under which this Policy will be implemented, while clearly defining the function, responsibility, and authority of each employee, department, etc. that comprise the structure. The Company shall also procure all necessary resources to achieve this objective.
- The Company shall conduct appropriate risk management by implementing human-resource-based, organizational, and technological measures to protect its information assets from unauthorized access, leakage, falsification, loss, damage, disruption of use, etc., and to manage and utilize the information assets appropriately.
- The Company shall comply with all applicable information security laws and regulations, all contracts that have been executed with the customers, and its internal procedures that are separately specified.
- The Company shall properly manage all personal information according to its internal regulations that conform to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
- The Company shall provide education and training to all its employees, etc., that must use its information assets so that they thoroughly recognize the importance of information security as outlined in this Basic Policy.
- The Company shall implement its information management system including its risk evaluation standards and risk assessment protocols to manage and utilize its information assets safely and appropriately, while periodically reviewing, revising, and improving the system as needed.
- If any act is found to have been committed by any party that threatens the Company’s information security under this Basic Policy, the Company shall deal with such a party in a decisive manner, which may include taking any appropriate legal action.
June 28th, 2023
President: Hiroshi Okagaki